12 July 2022 – Grace Abounds When Sin’s Bondage Is Broken

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 12th July 2022


Romans 6:1-14 and Psalm 129 (NIV)

Grace Abounds When Sin’s Bondage Is Broken


Romans 6:1-14 and Psalm 129 (NIV)

(Robin Viva Thevathasan, chairperson, Worship & Music)


Romans 6:1-14 and Psalm 129 (NIV)


Paul introduced the idea that where sin abounded, grace abounded much more (Romans 5:20). However, someone might take this truth to imply that since God gives grace to sinners, then why not sin more and receive more grace? This is a perversely alluring idea, one that was exemplified in the extreme by the Russian monk Rasputin in the early part of the 20th century. He taught and lived the idea of salvation through repeated experiences of sin and repentance. He believed that because those who sin the most require the most forgiveness, therefore a sinner may repent for the moment but continues to sin without restraint, then enjoys more of God’s grace than the ordinary sinner. Therefore, Rasputin lived in notorious sin and taught that this was the way to salvation.

But in a less extreme way, the question still confronts us and is open to abuse: if God’s salvation and approval are given on the basis of faith instead of works, can’t we just say “I believe” and then live any way we please? What is the motivation for living righteously, then?


If a person who is an alcoholic, claims to have come to Christ and claims to be a disciple of Jesus (a believer, a Christian) and yet continues to be an alcoholic, his bondage to sin is yet to be broken. This is because an alcoholic is an example of one who is a slave of sin and of one who is continuing to live in sin and Paul makes clear that it is impossible for one who has been baptised into Christ Jesus to continue in sin.

In this case, the person’s ongoing slavery to sin is clear evidence that the old man (the old self) is still alive and well, and has not been put to death. The power of Jesus Christ can do what limitless alcohol recovery support group meetings cannot. The support groups can give you methods to hold the ‘old man’ at bay, but faith in Jesus puts the old man to death forever. The only way to be truly freed from sin is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


What and how do I do this? 

Firstly. a change must have occurred in me, by knowing, acknowledging and believing that God’s word is true. This unites me with Christ and a change has really occurred that unites me with Christ. This is not just an abstract idea — this is the reality that sin and my emotions are no longer my master, because I am no longer under the bondage of sin, but under grace.

Secondly. I will make the conscious decision that my life is not run by the mastery of sin and my emotions but is set towards God and righteousness. I need to realise and internalise that I have new life and identity in Christ.

Thirdly, this change in me must be followed up with real action, by presenting my emotions, words and actions to God to be used for righteous deeds. So instead of offering my emotions, words and actions to sin as instruments of wickedness, I will offer them to God as instruments of righteousness.


Heavenly Father, I thank and praise You for your abundant and overflowing Grace. 

Holy Spirit, change me by helping me know, acknowledge and believe that God’s Word is true by translating this into righteous deeds.

I pray this in the name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen.





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