12 January 2024 – Knowing The Mystery Of God

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 12th January 2024


Joshua 11, 12 and Psalm 12 (NIV)

Knowing The Mystery Of God


Joshua 11, 12 and Psalm 12 (NIV)

(Gordon Tan, Associate Lay Leader )


The following verses spoke to me: Joshua 11:6, 9, 23 (ESV) and Psalm 12:6, 7 (NIV).


Joshua and the army of Israel had conquered Jericho, Ai, and won every battle against the southern kings. No wonder the kings of the north, led by Jabin, king of Hazor, joined forces to come against Israel. And they were a tremendous force to reckon with: “they came out with all their troops, a great horde, in number like the sand that is on the seashore, with very many horses and chariots.” (Joshua 11:4).

I would not be surprised if many in Israel felt anxious, at the sight of the formidable armies. However, I observe that Joshua fought with obedience, doing exactly what the Lord told him to do. And despite being presented with the Canaanite army’s arsenal (the horses and the chariots), he obediently destroyed them.

It was fear of the Anakim – a tribe of exceptionally large and strong people – that prevented Israel from entering the land some forty years before (Numbers 13:27-33). Only Joshua and Caleb had the faith to attack, trusting in God’s Word instead of their fears. God honoured them and they survived the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. These 2 leaders led Israel to victory and won the inheritance God promised. 


I am reminded that God’s Word is flawless. We can trust and depend on it. He keeps His promises. So often, I fail to be strong and courageous because I look around me with fear and anxiety. I need to learn to be more like Joshua and Caleb, and not fear the “giant enemies” in my life.

I also learnt I need to be prepared for challenges and obstacles in my way to victory.  Like the armies of Jabin and his allies, I may face intimidating hurdles and powerful people. Who do I trust? Do I trust in the “horses and chariots” of the world or do I trust God’s promises? I need to be strong and full of courage, not in my own strength but in God. I need to fear less, worry less and obey more. 

My final takeaway is to be completely obedient. Often, I am tempted to hoard “weapons” of this world, refusing to destroy them when God tells me to. God works in me to train my hands for all life’s battles, in His time.


I want to faithfully meditate on God’s Word to discern how God wants me to obey Him. And when I have understood that, to be completely obedient.

I want to be courageous, and not be fearful and anxious. I need to trust in God’s Word. I need to believe in His promises and know He is eternally faithful. I will lift up to Him my concerns in prayer and depend on His deliverance. I will wait patiently to see how He will deliver me from evil. 


Sweet hour of prayer
Sweet hour of prayer
That calls me from a world of care
And bids me at my Father’s throne
Make all my wants and wishes known
In seasons of distress and grief
My soul has often found relief
And oft escaped the tempter’s snare
By Thy return, sweet hour of prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, I cast all my cares on You.

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