11 June 2022 – A Song In The Night

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 11th June 2022


Acts 16:16-40 and Psalm 105:1-22 (NIV)

A Song In The Night


Acts 16:16-40 and Psalm 105:1-22 (NIV)

(Tan Wah Yuan, Member, Care Sub-Committee, Missions)


Acts 16:16-40 (NIV)


The surprising songs in the dark prison cell give us the first sign that it is GOD who is in control and not the powers of this fallen world.

When Paul cast an evil spirit out of a female slave, those who profited from her soothsaying led a revolt against Paul and Silas. Both of them were publicly humiliated, unfairly accused, stripped and beaten. They were bleeding and in great pain, and were thrown into a stinking dark prison, with stocks binding their feet.

Instead of despair, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns and psalms at midnight as the other prisoners listened (v25). It is likely that their prayers are prayers of praise and petitions for guidance, rather than lament of suffering. The two jailed men found hope and peace in Christ, they were resting in confidence of His presence and care.

The actions of Paul and Silas constitute a powerful witness to the rest of the prisoners. For someone in despair, midnight is life’s darkest moment. It is the time of turmoil, pains and disappointment. It is a time where all hope is lost. What a spiritual victory it is for Paul and Silas to be able to praise God and sing in life’s midnight hours.

In the text, we are also reminded that God is active in doing what needs to be done in our lives and we should always have faith to believe that His arm would be revealed at the appointed time.

Philippi is in a seismically active area. This earthquake, however, was powerful and providential as it rattled till all the jail doors flew open and all the little chains fell off (v26).

I believe the earthquake was not meant for the release of Paul and Silas, as they were set free by order of the magistrates the next day.

Rather, God sent the earthquake to set the jailer free! Paul and Silas had been chained up physically, but the jailer was chained up spiritually.

When Paul and Silas shared Jesus’ offer of forgiveness of sins to the jailer and his household, they believed and were baptised in the name of Lord Jesus. God’s timing is always perfect!


Though we may not know what jail is like, we can still find ourselves in a dark prison, full of worries, fearful and having sleepless nights. We focus on the past and what’s to come, and we count the days until our lives improve, hoping to skip the pain of the present.

Many of us will say, we are having this problem and where is God? What’s happening to my life? Has God forsaken me?

Most people’s theology comes from their situations and they organise God around their circumstances.

We read Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” And we recite and memorise it. But we just don’t believe it.

When we understand who God is, we will get everything else in perspective. My Christian life and attitude depend upon my knowledge of God and my understanding on who I really believe God is.

I want to be above my circumstances. God has taught me to rest and cling to the promise that He will provide everything I need for tomorrow. And even in darkness, when traumas resist sleep, Christ is my light and I have no fear. God never changes.


It is easy to praise God when things are good. However, praising God has nothing to do with my circumstances. In the midst of pains and difficulties, Paul and Silas began to pray and sing praises to God.

That is what I need to do: even in the darkest hour, I need to sing praises to the Lord. God is worth praising each and every moment of my life. I want to praise Him continually because He is worthy to be praised.

Hebrews 13:15 says: “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.”

Psalm 113:3 – “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.”


Dear Lord, please help me to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. May my will be conformed to yours and my life be a reflection of your glory.

Give me the courage to share the gospel boldly when opportunities arise. In all things, I want to praise and worship you, for you alone deserve all the glory. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.

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