10 October 2023 – In Christ We Can be Overcomers

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 10th October 2023

In Christ We Can be Overcomers


1 Thessalonians 1, 2:1-16 and Psalm 78:1-39 (NIV)

(Samantha Poo, BRD Core Team)


My attention was drawn to:

1 Thessalonians 2:2 (ESV)

V2-But though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict.


The difficulties Paul encountered while carrying out our Lord Jesus’ mission, to bring the gospel to the Gentiles, is well documented in the New Testament. Yet Paul never wavered. Whatever it was, Paul not only persevered but continuously urged his ministry co-workers to his dying breath to join him in suffering for the good news. 


My mother is a pre-believer. I did not suffer persecution from her when I turned away from her faith, and first came to Christ. However, throughout the years, she has been overtly critical of my religion, and remains stubbornly against my faith. Her snide comments used to ignite such anger and frustration in me and gave rise to countless arguments. That burning anger slowly gave way to cold indifference. I grew weary of her offhand, and often hurtful, remarks towards my faith, which I hold most dear to me. At times, I felt like giving up on her. We are all called to spread God’s word, but I felt like she was beyond saving. 

I still pray for her salvation and healing, but over time I find myself caring less and less. I was simply going through the motions.

Through today’s readings I am reminded that our Lord Jesus’ mission for Paul is also His Great Commission for me. I am to continue to share the good news regardless of the difficulties. In Jesus Christ I too can overcome. I can be used as His vessel. But this can only be so if I allow God to work through me.


I shall look to our Lord Jesus first whenever I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. 

I shall consciously wait for His guidance and surrender my human reactions at the foot of the Cross.

I shall ask our Lord Jesus to empower me to love my mother as He loves her. 

I shall ask for boldness and opportunities to share the good news with her. 


Dear God, I lift to you all amongst us living with pre-believing family members and loved ones. I pray for your forgiveness whenever we fail to love them as you love. I ask for your Holy Spirit to draw close to us, to minister to us and empower us to carry out your will. 

I commit to you our pre-believing family members and loved ones. Help us to trust you, surrender our wills to you and join you with hearts overflowing with your love for them.

In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

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