10 August 2024 – Which Choice Will I Make?

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 10th August 2024


Nehemiah 1 and Psalm 107: 1-22 (NIV)

Which Choice Will I Make?


Nehemiah 1 and Psalm 107: 1-22 (NIV)

(Liana Seah, Chairperson, Between Ministry)


Nehemiah 1 and Psalm 107: 1-22 (NIV)


Both passages present contrasting situations.  

When we act wickedly and disobey God’s commands, He scatters us among the nations, away from His dwelling place and we become slaves (to sin).  (Nehemiah 1: 7-8).  When we become fools through our own rebellious ways, we suffer affliction because of our own iniquities.  

On the other hand, when we return to Him and obey His commands, He will gather us and bring us to His dwelling place.  He can redeem us by His great strength and His mighty hand (Nehemiah 1: 9-10).  

When we cry out to the Lord in our trouble, He saves us from our distress, brings us out of darkness and breaks our chains (of sin). (Psalm 107: 13-14). 

Nehemiah recognized the sin that the Israelites had committed and their disobedience.  He was saddened when he learned that his people had been scattered and the wall of Jerusalem had been broken down.  He interceded for them and did not sit still.  He was moved to act even if it might cost him his life. 

Our God is a merciful God.  He rescues us again and again whenever we cry out to Him.  He sends His word to heal us from our distress and rescues us from the grave (our sin).  (Psalm 107: 19-20).


Do I take God’s unfailing love for granted?  Do I rely on His word to bring sanctification and healing?  

Does my heart break when I witness His people turning away from Him and rebelling? Or has my heart grown cold? 

Do I mourn, fast and pray for them to return to God?  Am I ready to move and leave my comfort zone as God directs me to speak His word and rescue them?  

My prayer is for a renewal in Him and for the nations to turn back to Him. I see people crying out in their troubles and distress, feeling lost.  I pray for courage to bring healing and repentance as God directs me. 


Heavenly Father, 

I repent of my rebellious ways.  I often disobey You and follow my own way.  I have acted wickedly towards You and my neighbours.  I often focus my attention on the wrong thing.  I often take Your love for granted.  
I thank You for Your redeeming Love.  
Please bring healing to our nations and peace to all lands. Bring us out of darkness. 
Take Your throne in our lives. Let us dwell in Your presence.  
In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen

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