1 May 2024 – The Lord’s Covenant

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 1st May 2024


2 Samuel 7:1-29 and Psalm 68:28-35 (NIV)

The Lord’s Covenant


2 Samuel 7:1-29 and Psalm 68:28-35 (NIV)

(Benedict Tay, Associate Pastoral Team Member (Youth Ministry))


2 Samuel 7:12-17 (NIV)


After many years of fighting, of running and battles, David had attained the peace that he had been working towards. Israel and Judah found themselves in a period where the enemies were no longer warring against them.

Yet, God makes a new covenant, foretelling of the coming Messiah that will arise from the house of David. He will be disciplined when he commits iniquity, but God’s steadfast love will not depart from him. Through him, a new kingdom of peace will be established forever.


2 Samuel 7, reminds me of how fleeting the things of this earth can be. David had worked so hard to attain peace in the land. Yet, not too long after, the peace will be disturbed, and we know that Israel and Judah will fall.

On reflection, I sometimes find myself looking to the successful and peaceful periods of my life for comfort. It is such a sweet feeling when you work hard and know that you can enjoy the fruit of your labour. That you can rest knowing that you have done a good job.

Yet, God tells David that the successes he enjoys now is but a glimpse of the eternal victory that is to come. The everlasting peace of God will come not from the work of our hands but the work of Christ on the cross.

The passage for today makes me wonder if my eyes have been fixed on the wrong things. Just as we have just celebrated Easter a month ago, have I so quickly forgotten about the work on the cross and the coming work of Christ? Have I looked to earthly peace, earthly success instead of eternal victory that God has promised.


  1. I will find joy in the Lord rather than in my own successes.           
  2. I will continue to remember the work of Christ in all that I do
  3. I will earnestly desire the 2nd coming of Christ where He will bring with Him eternal victory.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word and how You have given us Christ. Thank You for being a faithful God and keeping to Your covenants. Help me to fix my eyes on the eternal rather than temporal. Help me look atYour work rather than my work. And empower me to be obedient to You . In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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