1 June 2022 – For Great Is The Lord!

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 1st June 2022


Acts 9:32-43 and Psalm 96 (NIV)

For Great Is The Lord!


Acts 9:32-43 and Psalm 96 (NIV)

(Lim Soo Huat, Committee Member, Mandarin Ministry)


Acts 9:32-43, Psalm 96 (NIV)


Psalm 96:4-6
4For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.
Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary.


God’s greatest creation is the universe. It is beautiful beyond description and His people will stand in awe to worship Him.

From ancient time to the present modern world, who dares to make such claims of creation? Only the Bible! Although this Psalm was composed by King David thousands of years ago, the truth in the content remains unchanged forever. Christians especially should stand by faith on these facts, and strive to make known the truth of God’s creation throughout the world. Verse 5 says: “For all the gods of the nations are idols”. The author of this Psalm adored God and He is to be feared above all other false gods (idols). The false gods are all inanimate idols, only made of wood and metal, whereas our God who rules the world is alive and active. False gods can be just demons or just man’s own imagination or manmade for personal benefits and intentions. Such examples commonly exist.

During ancient times, Exodus 32 recorded that Moses’ brother, Aaron was involved in the making of an idol, casted in the shape of a golden calf, to please the Israelites.  In modern times today, we still see similar construction of objects for worship all over the world. It is sad to see the extensive and in-depth use of materials for these idols. As Isaiah 44:9 puts it, “How foolish are those who manufacture idols. These prized objects are really worthless….” (NLT)


As we begin our “Intentional Discipleship” programme this year, as a member of the Church, I am reminded to always memorise the important verses in the Bible (especially what the Scriptures say about Jesus Christ in the gospels). I must be vigilant at all times, to live the life of Christ and be able to sense the right opportunities to share with relatives, friends, colleagues and learning partners, the truth of the Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit):

1.   The existence and love of God;
2.   Jesus, who came to save sinners and died for us on the cross;

3.   The communion of the Holy Spirit.


Lord, may the “true heart” and “true love” of Christians touch the people around us. Let the good news of the Bible touch their life. Let them turn to you and surrender their life and their future into your hands, allowing Jesus to renew and grant them a new life. Let us be your good vessels to invite these friends to your sanctuary regularly so as to experience your beauty and your majesty. 

My heart will always say: For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise. AMEN.

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