1 December 2023 – Yahweh Is Always Looking Out For Us

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 1st December 2023


Deuteronomy 16,17 and Psalm 121 (NIV)

Yahweh Is Always Looking Out For Us


Deuteronomy 16,17 and Psalm 121 (NIV)

(Kayyona Lim, Pastoral Team Member, Christian Outreach and Social Concerns)


As I read Psalm 121,  these caught my attention:

  1. The psalmist’s repeated phrasing of God “watches (will watch)” over the Israelites which emphasize God’s care for them.
  2. Verse 8: The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. 


    Psalm 121 is a song of ascents sung by Israelite pilgrims as they journeyed to Jerusalem for the annual feasts. 

    Verses 1 to 2: The psalmist  asks where his help came from. He acknowledges his source of help is not any god but God the LORD. Of the different names for God’s attributes, the psalmist  refers to God as the LORD i.e. YHWH in Hebrew, emphasizing that God who is Israel’s Help, is none other than all powerful Yahweh who created heaven and earth by His word. 

    Verses 3 to 8: The psalmist  describes the great lengths the LORD goes to watch  over His people. Yahweh watches over the Israelite pilgrim every moment every minute, He never tires nor sleeps (v3). Yahweh protects him from harm day and night (v6). Yahweh will keep the pilgrim from all harm and watch over his life, his coming and going both now and forevermore (v7-8). 


    1. Yahweh is my ever-present Help.

    When I face problems and challenges, I will shift my focus from the situation unto God, and remember the One who can truly help me is the LORD. I will depend on Him, and not just rely on my human competencies. The LORD will guide me with His wisdom. He will help me with His enabling grace and He will stand by me through the circumstances. I will experience how “Surely God is my help, the Lord is the one who sustains me.” (Psalm 54:6) 

    1. Yahweh will always watch over me with His hesed love.

    Verses 3 to 8 speak to me of how deeply Yahweh cares for His people, the Israelites and us. God actively and lovingly watches over us 24/7 as our Help and Protector. 

    As I meditate on God’s attributes as Abba Father and LORD,  I think of how my Abba Father has fashioned me in my mother’s womb, how I am “’fearfully and wonderfully made” and how He knows me intimately (Psalm 139), I am touched by how much God loves me. When I consider how the LORD has His eyes on me every moment and how His ears are attentive to my cry (Psalm 34:15), I am humbly awed by the high regard God has for us human beings (Psalm 8:3-4). When I go through life’s storms and valleys,  even if I cannot trace His hand in the circumstances, I can trust His heart because of how much my Abba Father loves me. His hesed love covers me as He walks with me through life’s journey. 


    That I may grow in increasing awareness of God’s active loving presence in my life, I will

    1. Meditate on the attributes of God and rest in who God is for me. 
    2. Do year-end reflection: review my journals and trace His presence, His love, His faithfulness and goodness in my life for this year.  


    Almighty God, LORD, I praise You that You are my ever-present Help. As I go about today’s activities, guide me to depend on You in every way. Thank you for  always looking out for me. Abba Father, I am grateful for how You love me so, thank you that You are ever caring, ever protecting, ever watching over me. May I know You and love You more each day. In Jesus name, Amen.

    • hesed – Hebrew word found in the Old Testament of the Bible, often translated to mean mercy, compassion, love, grace and faithfulness. Inherent in this word is the concept of loyalty or faithfulness within a relationship like that of God’s covenant with His people, Israel. It moves from an emotion to action on behalf of another who is in need. (www.gotquestions.org)

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