12 April 2023 – I Believe, Help My Belief!

Input BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 12th April 2023


Exodus 3, 4:1-17 & Psalm 54 (NIV)

I Believe, Help My Belief!


Exodus 3, 4:1-17 & Psalm 54 (NIV)

(Samantha Poo, BRD Core Team)


Exodus 3, 4:1-17

I observe these points from the passage:

–  God initiated the meeting with Moses by piquing his curiosity.

–  God waited for Moses’ response. 

–  God was considerate to Moses’ safety, misgivings and identified Himself clearly.

–  God shared His plans openly, inviting Moses to participate and share the future with him.

–  God equipped Moses with the means and ability to carry out His plans. 

–  Moses got over his awe of the burning bush quickly. He did not seem overly impressed with God’s changing the rod into a serpent and back again or the instant affliction of his hands with leprosy and its equally instantaneous healing. 


These passages record the call of Moses, the start of an adventure of a lifetime for Moses with God in the driving seat. Yet judging from Moses’ responses, he was far from willing and was trying to worm his way out of it! Given the miracles he witnessed, Moses’ response was surprising. 

Or was it not?

I am amazed at the lengths God went to to engage Moses. God could have easily have rescued the Israelites out of bondage. Yet He chose Moses, a murderer, liar, and fugitive to be His instrument. He is God yet He treated Moses as His confidant. 

And Moses, true to human form, failed to see how great a privilege that was. He was carelessly casual with God. His attempts to reject God’s offer revealed a lack of faith, and interest in self-preservation.

And in doing so Moses also rejected God’s attempts to draw him into a deeper relationship. Imagine not wanting to spend time with God!

But before I judge Moses for his first response, I am struck by how often I have similarly rejected God.  

God is all powerful and sovereign. Why then am I so reluctant to surrender my five loaves and two fishes to Him? After all, His plans will always come to pass. Why do I shy away from the opportunity to be in deeper fellowship with the One who created all things and the One for whom I am created? In so doing, I miss the greatest treasure to be found in service for His kingdom – God Himself.

It is irrational: I believe yet I do not believe. 


I have not always been obedient to God’s promptings. Often my obedience is decided by the ease with which I can  accomplish what God is asking for. It is my will that prevails, not God’s. During the rare occasions when I obey, I eventually succumb to self-pity at how difficult the task is. I rely on my own strength and display little to no faith in God.

I fail to understand what a privilege it is to be called to serve. There should be no complaining, only thanksgiving. 

Of these I repent.


By His strength, I shall strive to:

-read God’s Holy Word, meditate on it to know Him more

– dwell in God’s Presence 

-ask questions of God and wait upon His answers

-obey Him

-press on in conversing with God

-remember He is God who created everything and can fulfil all His plans

-remember what a privilege it is to serve  

-learn to trust God completely


Holy Father, forgive me for this impertinence: I have often ignored you, and dismissed you and dishonoured you. I am so sorry, and I repent. I believe in the saving work of your son, Jesus the Christ. Help my unbelief! Amen.

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