(Sermon notes and recording available after 4 Feb 2025.)
The Spirit of mission (Acts 2:1-13)
1. “The Holy Spirit lives permanently in those who are repentant and profess Jesus as Lord and Christ.”
a. How does this truth help you in your discipleship journey?
2. “The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, Comforter, Counsellor, Guide, Helper, Intercessor, Teacher, and Witness.”
a. Which of these attributes have you experienced? Give some examples.
b. Which would you wish to experience more of? Why?
Mission and the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:22-41)
3. In what way is God’s forgiveness of us unconditional, and in what way is it dependent on your forgiveness of others? (Rom 5:8; Matt. 6:14-15)
4. Who do you need to forgive but find it difficult to? Why? How can God help you forgive them? (Mark 11:25)
5. “If we pray with an unforgiving heart, we are actually asking God not to forgive us” (Saint Augustine). How does this perspective help you to forgive others?
Mission in unity and the sharing of resources (Acts 2:42-47)
6. Does it mean every Spirit-filled believer and community have to share resouces with one another? Why? Should we do the same for our Church?
7. Where do we do well in the unity in our Church? What areas can we do better in? What more can we do to encourage unity?