20 September 2024 – A Greater Fool Am I

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 20th September 2024


Job 28 and Psalm 125 (NIV)

A Greater Fool Am I


Job 28 and Psalm 125 (NIV)

(Eric Ang, Chairperson of Finance Committee)


Job 28 (NIV)


Job 28 is an interlude that is beautifully written and inserted in the Book of Job. In preparing this BRD reflection,  I feel so blessed and privileged to have a God who loves and cares for a fool like me. 

I observe 3 parts in Job 28. It tells of how intelligent mankind is, how foolish mankind has become and how mankind needs God.

1. We are smart (v1- 11) 

Put in today’s context, just look around and marvel at the technological advancements that the human race has achieved with its intelligence. And this is not by chance. Our Creator God intentionally made mankind in His image to rule over all the creatures (Genesis 1:26). He made us smarter than all the creatures on earth. 

2. Why then do we make fools of ourselves (v12-22) 

Why is wisdom so illusive to us? It remains hidden and can’t be bought with the finest treasures on earth. The folly of mankind is when we are motivated by greed or fear in this crooked world. We become self dependent, leaning on our own understanding and trusting ourselves. By so doing, we self-destruct. Just look at Adam and Eve.

3. Only God can give us wisdom (v23-28) 

I read verse 28 together with Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 9:10.”. The consistent message is that we need knowledge and wisdom. It is very clear that knowledge of the Lord through His word is the only way to gain wisdom.  And to fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.


Never forget my Maker. God created me even though He does not need me. But I need God. Never take God for granted. 

Never forget that wisdom and knowledge come from God. This reminds  me of my dependency on God to lead and guide me. 

To fear God is the beginning of knowledge. To fear God is to love and honour Him, to come before Him in reverence, awe, obedience and trust.


I need to get my relationship right with God. This is what I need to do:

  • Put God back in the centre of my life.
  • Commit every decision, big and small, to Him. Ask God for His discernment. Let him lead and guide me.
  • Learn from Nehemiah to pray consistently and continuously.


Proverbs 3:5-6 is my prayer.
Dear Lord, let me trust You with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding; in all my ways, let me submit to You to make my paths straight. Amen.

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