Nehemiah Sermon Series (7): Renewed Through The Word (P&P)

September 15, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Raymond Fong
Nehemiah Sermon Series (7): Renewed Through The Word (P&P)

September 15, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Raymond Fong
Scripture Passage: Nehemiah 8 (NIV)

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Summary l Nehemiah 8 highlights the centrality of God’s Word, which is essential for the renewal of hearts.

1. Pursue (v1-8)
The people had a strong hunger for God’s Word and sought to understand it.

    • They stood from about 5am to 12pm listening (v2-3).
    • Everyone listened attentively (v3).
    • They initiated asking Ezra to bring out the Word (v1).
    • Everyone fixed their gaze on the platform (v4).
    • Everyone rose when the Word was opened (v5).
    • The Levites made clear the Word in smaller groups (v8), discussing its application to their lives.


    • How am I pursuing His Word?
      We need a deeper desire for God’s Word and recognise its power to shape and transform us. We must examine our attitudes toward daily reading. Do we pursue God’s Word only when it is convenient?
    • Take time and give heart
      We need to let God’s Word penetrate our lives (Colossians 3:16). We are to meditate on God’s Word (Joshua 1:8) — chew, savour, and relish it. If God gives us 1 or 2 key verses during our morning quiet time, taking time throughout the day to meditate on those verses allows God’s Word to nourish our souls. When we are desperate for His Word, it penetrates the deepest recess of our heart.
    • How am I pursuing His Word in community?
      Reading the Bible together—with our spouse, loved ones, or in devotion groups—helps us to sharpen each other, bringing clarity in God’s Word and transformation in our lives.

    2. Transformed (v9-12)
    As Ezra read, the people wept (v9). Scholars believe they were deeply convicted by God’s Word and cried over their sins. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Word as a double-edged sword that penetrates our hearts. We need to allow God’s Word to reveal how much we have disobeyed God, how far we are from God, and how much we need God.

    In today’s church

    • we love to consume God’s Word but does God’s Word consume us?
    • we love to master God’s Word but does God’s Word master us?

    In Nehemiah 8, from a place of sorrow, there was joy (v10). Bible scholars highlight the importance of the 7th month in understanding ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength’. On the Day of Atonement, the high priest would enter the temple to make an atoning sacrifice, and a scapegoat would be released into the wilderness, reminding God’s people of His goodness and forgiveness.

    Today we have Jesus, the perfect sacrifice for us so ‘joy of the Lord’ carries the idea that we can be forgiven and saved. Many are in despair because, on their own, they are unable to find assurance they are forgiven. But the gospel assures us that if we repent and return to Christ, we are forgiven and embraced by a loving God so we can find rest and celebrate, just as Nehemiah urged the people to do. In Hebrew, ‘strength’ describes a well-protected stronghold, like a tower. God’s strength is like a tower where we can find safety. The power of this safe space is the strength that the Lord gives.

    “The joy of the Lord is your strength means you are hiding in something bigger than you. You are satisfied with the one who can cover you and take care of you. You are satisfied with the one who has forgiven your sin.” Eric Mason, Nehemiah for You

    3. Obey (v13-18)
    The next day, Ezra read the law again, and they rediscovered the Feast of Tabernacles, which they quickly observed.

    Central themes in the Feast of Tabernacles:

    • Looking back (remembering God’s past faithfulness)
    • Looking around (celebrating God’s current blessings)
    • Looking forward (hoping in the reality of future kingdom)

    Their joy was very great (v17) because it was the joy that came from obedience.

    “The Word of God doesn’t change you. It is the Word of God applied and obeyed that changes you.” Pastor Edmund Chan

    When we obey God’s Word, it helps us

    • Remember the Past
    • Appreciate the Present
    • Anticipate the Future
    • Anticipate Christ’s return, the fulfillment of justice, the end of sin, and reunion with our loved ones who have passed.

    The secret of Christian joy is to know and follow God’s Word.


    Do you delay in your obedience?
    Through obedience, we will see the victory of our Lord come into our lives in a small measure and that lays the foundation for joy. As we strive to obey, He provides the grace to obey and take steps of faith.

    The people kept the Feast for 7 days, followed by a solemn assembly on the 8th day (v18).

    During Jesus’ time, the Feast of Tabernacles involved the priest pouring out water for 7 days remembering God’s provision in the wilderness. On the 8th day, no water was poured, celebrating God’s past provision and resting in His faithfulness. In John 7, on the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus declared “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” Jesus, the living Word and the fulfillment of the Feast, will satisfy our thirsty hearts.

    How is your heart? Revival starts when people search the scriptures, confess their sins, seek His face, and worship Him.

    Renewal starts when we

    • pursue His Word with hunger
    • transform with the joy of the Lord which is our strength
    • obey Him

    (Sermon notes by Joy Lim)


    1. How did the people of God in Nehemiah 8 demonstrate their hunger and desire for God’s Word?
    2. How is your pursuit of God’s Word? What are things that enable or distract you?
    3. Why did the people of God weep when they received an understanding of God’s Word?
    4. When was a time you were deeply convicted by His Word of your sin and need for Him?
    5. How is the joy of the Lord our strength?
    6. Why is it so important to obey God’s Word?
    7. Is there anything you would like to change about your approach to God’s Word?
    8. Pray for each other to find renewal in God’s Word.

    Wesley Communications Team
    Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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